La Jolla's Best Group Fitness Classes

You may add any of our specialty programs to your membership at any time for a reasonable amount! Call or visit us in person to discuss the pricing, scheduling, and logistics of your desired group fitness class or classes.

Gentle Yoga

A group fitness class for senior citizens looking to maintain an active lifestyle without having to worry about what to do in the gym.

Power Sculpt Yoga

A dynamic workout that combines traditional yoga poses with strength training exercises to enhance flexibility, balance, and muscle tone.

Vinyasa Yoga

A fluid and dynamic practice where breath is synchronized with a continuous flow of postures, creating a moving meditation that builds strength, flexibility, and balance.

Restorative Yoga

A gentle practice focused on relaxation and healing, using props to support the body in restful poses that promote deep relaxation and stress relief.

Senior Fitness / Silver Sneakers

Designed to enhance the health and well-being of older adults through low-impact exercises that improve strength, flexibility, balance, and overall cardiovascular health.