Experts of Industry

Meet our team of dedicated health professionals. We have curated an integrated multidisciplinary team of experts specializing in neuromusculosketal medicine and human performance i.e., chiropractic care, dietetics, massage therapy, physical therapy, human performance training, sports science and more. Each of our team members offers a wealth of experience and passion for empowering our patients to whole-person wellness. Our staff of board certified and licensed professionals act integrally and ethically with practice scopes to comply with regulatory institutions such as the American Chiropractic Association, American College of Sports Medicine, American Physical Therapy Association, California Massage Therapy Council, Council on Chiropractic Education, Food and Drug Conditioning Association, and World Confederation For Physiotherapy.


Our Chiropractors specialize in realigning the spine and musculoskeletal system through hands-on manipulations and techniques to alleviate pain and improve overall body function, focusing on natural healing and pain relief without medications or surgical intervention.

Corrective Exercise Therapists

Our Corrective Exercise Therapists assess movement patterns, identifies muscular imbalances, and designs personalized exercise programs to improve posture, mobility, and function, aiming to correct and prevent injuries through targeted exercises and movement.

Electro Muscle Stimulation Practitioners

Our EMS Practitioners utilize electrical impulses to stimulate muscles, aiding in rehabilitation, muscle strengthening, pain reduction, and enhancing muscle recovery after injury or exercise, often complementing the rest of our clinical and performance services.

Exercise Physiologists

Our Exercise Physiologists study how the body responds to physical activity and exercise, creating movement prescriptions  to help individuals manage chronic conditions, improve athletic performance, prevent injury, and enhance overall health through structured exercise protocols tailored to individual needs.

Massage Therapists

Our Massage Therapists use hands-on techniques to manipulate muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues to alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension and stress, improve circulation and recovery, and to promote relaxation and overall well-being.

Physical Therapists

Our Physical Therapists help individuals recover from injury or surgery by designing personalized treatment plans that include exercises, stretches, manual therapy, and modalities to improve mobility, reduce pain,restore function, and prevent further injury, aiming to enhance overall physical well-being and quality of life.

Registered Dietitians

Our Registered Dietitians assess nutritional needs, develop personalized meal plans and supplement protocols to promote health, manage medical conditions, and achieve specific fitness and wellness goals.

Sports Performance Coaches & Specialists

Our Sports Performance Coaches and Specialists focus on enhancing athletic ability by designing specialized training programs and utilizing proven techniques to improve strength, speed, agility, stability, and overall physical performance.